Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Training on the Prevention and Treatment of Child Sexual ABuse

For the past 3 years, CYWTAC, being the first mental wellness center in Albay, has been a silent witness to the dramatic increase of child sexual abuse cases in our province and the region as a whole. This situation is alarming and as our response to address this sensitive need, we have decided to bring the Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Child Sexual Abuse (CPTCSA) to Bicol Region to train our Bicol-based Psychosocial Professionals in terms of Prevention and Treatment of Child Sexual Abuse. This rare and comprehensive three (3) days live-out training will be given on August 21-23, 2009 at Charisma Function Hall, Diversion Road, San Rafael, Guinobatan, Albay. We plan to make this live-in training/workshop comprehensive and in-depth by limiting the participants to 30 which would include the Teachers, Social Workers and Counselors of various Schools, Non-Government Organizations (NGO) and Government Organizations (GO’S).

This training-workshop will be facilitated by the trainers of the Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Child Sexual Abuse (CPTCSA) based in Manila. CPTCSA is a non-profit, non-government child focused institution working towards a safe world for children free from sexual abuse exploitation. This training will cover the following dynamics:

· Child Sexual Abuse Prevention (Day 1)- covers definition, characteristics, causes, and prevention components, including handling disclosures. Much of the time is spent workshopping the personal safety materials of CPTCSA. Other methodologies include interactive lectures, demonstrations, guest speakers, role playing, video showing, and sharing of materials and experiences.

· The Module on Treatment of the Child Sexual Abuse Female Victim or Survivors (2nd Day)- This module will be on the treatment of the child sexual abuse female victim or survivors based on traumagenic dynamics of child sexual abuse, person-in-environment elements, individual and group methodologies, and samples for dealing with 10 of the most common issues these children and youth experience through counseling. Methodologies include interactive lectures, guest speakers, workshops, small group activities, role playing, video showing, and sharing of materials and experiences.

· The Module on Treating the Young Sexual Offender (3rd Day)- The module on treating the young sexual offender covers the person-in-environment variables that help create and proliferate sexual misbehavior in boys within patriarchy. Therapy issues include impulse control, building empathy, relapse prevention, anger management, and sexuality. Methodologies include interactive lectures, guest speakers, workshops, small group activities, role playing, video showing, and sharing of materials and experiences,

This 3 days workshop will have a minimal registration fee of Three Thousand Five Pesos (P3,500.00) to cover the kits, meals, certificate and Trainer’s cost.

For those interested, please text 09178651901 (Globe) or 09215883900 (smart) for pre-registration.

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