Monday, June 1, 2009

Literature on Death and Dying

Someone texted me today asking for literatures on death and dying. She is a long time friend whom I met in my numerous wellnes trainings---she probably know how much I am fascinated with the psychology of death. Here are some of my most fav books on death and dying. I hope people who are interested on dying will find these literature helpful.

1. ON DEATH AND DYING (by elizabeth kubler ross) This book is a classic which has helped millions of people to better deal with death and the dying process. In this remarkable book, Dr. Kubler-Ross first explored the now-famous five stages of dealing with impending death: denial and isolation, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

2. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF DEATH ( by Robert Kastenbaum) This basic text includes chapters on how we understand death, the experience of death in childhood and adolescence with discussion on suicide, physician assisted death, death anxiety and many others.

3. THE PRIVATE WORLD OF DYING CHILDREN ( by Myra Bluebond-Langner) The author studied terminally ill children, spending time with them in hospital wards. She gains their trust and ultimately comes to see the world through these children’s eyes. She moves us to understand that children do not fear entirely for their own lives, but vigilantly stand proud in the face of death, subtly comforting their doctors through their smiles while at the same time watching their parents watch them die. A profound, moving book.