Monday, February 2, 2009

ThE FaDeD TraVelIng Pants

I love traveling with my family and friends! Over and above the fun---the special bonding moment it creates is a well-spring of hope for me. Traveling with the special people in your life is a great way to let loose and have a good time away from the everyday routines. Spending special moments and adventure with the special people in my life makes me appreciate life even more. Vacations ( short or long vacations) provides the perfect opportunity in reconnecting with my friends/family, and to enjoy their company without the hassles and complications of the “real” world. Although I love flying, it can be a bit stressful too especially magnified if I am running late. I also love taking the boat--i find it more challenging than flying. BUt what I love most in treavelling is no other than--the FOOD ADVENTURE! Honestly---I appreciate more the place if I am enjoying the FOOD! Food for me is the fun expression of what and how the place looks like and the kind of people that resides there. So when you travel, stay fed and don’t let yourself or your travel companion get hungry. Nothing leads to crankiness as fast as hunger--believe me! After each of my travels with family/friends, I am always hopeful that I will come back with good reminiscences and look forward to the next time I travel with them again! Life truly is beautiful with the gift of mobility, family and friends!