CYWTAC is now accepting donations of workbooks/activity books for the children displaced by MAyon Volcano Eruption. I personally thought of launching this program after working with kids in the evacuation centers. These kids needs cognitive stimulation in fun and interactive ways. From the time the were forcibly evacuated, these kids never got hold of any book..with no stress relieving activities and as equally disturbed like their parents. In this program, we hope to collect workbooks from generous donors and distribute them to the kids to at least lessen their distress symptoms.
Should anybody is interested to support this program, please feel free to email me at or text me in any of the following numbers: 09178651901 or 09215883900.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Smiling Angels
Today I am blessed to see face to face genuine smiles of angels.
The sudden eruption of Mayon Volcano came as a surprise to all Albayanos. This catastrophe frightened children and adults alike. After spending some time with the kids, I definitely knew that these young survivors are pretty well aware of their parents' worries and fears from the time the local government imposed the forced evacuation to the people living within the dangerous zones. LIke other trauma victims, these kids became particularly sensitive. For some visitors of the evacuation centers, these kids may appear normal especially because they seem to have huge energy-deposits for playing and rolling over the dusty classrooms. But as I observed and talked to some kids, distress symptoms became apparent like clinging to parents, persistent fear of another disaster, loss of concentration and even jumpiness. These are red flags that should alert every mental health professionals serving these special populations.
Driven by the thought of providing fun and interactive activites for the kids, I organized a kids day in one of the evacuation centers of the province. This activity became a reality with the help of the young people who said "yes" to the informal invitation (the facebook power!). These volunteers unconsiously made great deposits of life points in heaven! I was tremendously touched by their dedication and ability to respond. How I wish I was given the same oppurtunity to reach out voluntarily to causes that makes a difference in the world one step at a time.
The volunteers willingly shared their gifts to the kids and invested efforts in facilitating the games, storytelling activity, leading the group singing, showing their magical abilities and even dancing for the kids. The smile on the faces of the children were priceless! I hope the volunteers saw and felt the ripple effect of what they did for the most vulnerable members of the population. They may not know it but a whole bunch of kids (160 in exact figure) benefited from their participation. I hope the experience will continue to broaden their perspective on what is actually happening in the world around them. The commitment they exhibited was sky beyond the limit!
Dios mabalos to the volunteers! I hope you let the fire for service burning! Truly--you made angels smile with your commitment and care!
Sa uulitin!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Loving "Sa Buhay Ko"
This morning my niece asked me to drop her off to school. While driving the car, she turned on the cd player and suddenly told me to listen to her new favorite song--then--
the music played---I knew i've heared of the song many times--but this morning--that song had a very different effect on me--I don't know why--maybe because I was curious why my little 9 year old niece loved it--or maybe because I felt the love and spiritual bug so my spirit inspired me to deeply listen beyond the melody and the lyrics of the song. When I asked my niece why she loved it--she innocently told me (with her little twang!)--"kasi tita its about buhay--its about life, kaya nga sa buhay ko!."

On my way to the office alone, I can't help but listen to the song for the second time. While listening, I felt so--different--so weird yet so peaceful. It was as if my spirit drifted to a spiritual wonderland. Balancing my thoughts--I told myself that maybe its the melody--it was slow and relaxing awakening my melancholic persona--or maybe its the lyrics--so dramatic yet so real--or maybe it was the voice behind the song-- so up front that made this song so unforgettably raw--producing an intimate quality of adoration. Later in my introspection--my mind and my heart agreed to one conclusion--its the over-all package that made this song so spiritually enriching. The song inspired me to readdress my feelings about God's lingering love for me.
Sa Buhay ko is a song in the album Called by Love of Fr. Raul Caga, SVD--I've heared the songs in the album over and over again but this special track moved my spirit! This song embraced a new wave of modern gospel in a traditional musical stance. I find the music so peaceful (be it spiritually or romantically!) the consistency of the song in one course of moving music line and melody made it so spiritually unique.
When I reviewed the details of the song--luckily I found out that it was written and p
ut to music by two good people I personally know--Raymund Marcaida (RAMA) and Nez Marcelo (NEZ). After knowing this, the more the song felt closer to me. With proper promotion and exposure, I know this song would reach its stratospheric height!

Now I am spreading the good news---try listening to this song and you will be as spiritually-struck as I am! We now live in the world that is increasingly becoming hostile to gospel--this song will give us the avenue to renew our wonderful and loving relationship with Christ.
Happy Listening!
The album, CALLED BY LOVE by Fr. Raul Caga and the Arnoldus Company is available at all CAtholic Trade Stores and SVD Seminaries. You can likewise inquire at any SVD run schools for the availability of the album.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Change is Possible!

1. That maybe people resist change because they are AFRAID-- afraid of the unknown! It's easier to cling on to the past because it is more secure and predictable. Maybe they think that--with a new scheme-- they may not achieve what they did in the past. Not seeing the big picture--they will not see the effect of the change!
Or maybe because they became too COMFORTABLE. Doing what is routinary for a long time in a predictable manner becomes their comfort zone. And going beyond the thin line of comfort and pressure might be difficult for them. "We have been doing this since time immemorial--so why change this routine?" a known battlecry! Or because change will disrupt their sense of control--familiar routines will always give them sense of control!

3. Or when new people comes in (as part of the change) people may resist his/her presence because it will shake their confidence on their support system. Will this person make my job difficult? or will this person impose new trends and strategies I am not prepared of
4. Or is it because of their unwillingness to learn? the hesitance to learn new tricks and new routines may make them resistant to change. Thinking that they already learned what they need to learn will precisely halt the process of transformation.
On a personal note, I always believe that CHANGE IS NOT THE PROBLEM--ITS THE RESISTANCE AND THE ATTITUDE OF THE PEOPLE IN THE RECEIVING END. Believing that getting what you want when you want it is a clear indication of resistance. Change don't happen overnight and I believe that realizing that change is going to happen or is happening should be the key step. In life, no one could live and work by yesterdays reality--transformation involves change!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Bipolar Simplified!
Ms. Tin (from Holy Child Educational Center) asked me to write a little about Bipolar Disorder. Although I am tempted to ask why. i didnt because I'd like to leave the real story to her. :-) I hope this will give you answers to your questions Ms. Tin! Happy Reading!
Bipolar Disorder is a brain disorder that causes unusual and erratic changes in moods, e
nergy, activity levels and the ability to carry out day to day activities. Bipolar is not your typical mood shifts because bipolar disoder symptoms can result to damage relationships, ineffective job performance and worst--even suicide for some! Many studies stated that bipolar disorder usually become apparent in late teens or early adulthood stage. Some symptoms may appear in childhood and for some, symptoms develop late in life.

The symptoms of bipolar can either be through an overly joyful and excited state (manic episodes) or through extremely hopeless or sad state (depressive episodes) or sometimes (and worst!) if these two episodes come together at the same time (mixed state). Along with the shifts in moods, changes in sleeping, activity and behavior may accompany the symptoms. Severe cases may exhibit these symptoms everyday, all day or at least one or two times week (not severe).
To date there is no cure for bipolar disorder, however, pharmacological intervetions are available to help the person control and manage his/her mood swings and the other related symptoms. Because bipolar is a lifelong and recurrent condition, long term treatment is required. MOOD STABILIZING medications are the first line of medication. Although most of the medications are anti-convulsants, this form of medication controls mood swings more than other types of drugs.
With the medications available in the market now, bipolar disorder can be treated and patients can still live a full and productive life!
Ask your professional mental health experts for additional information on Bipolar Disorder.
The Happiness Merchant

y people look for happiness outside--thinking that happiness is just around the corner--waiting for them to be found! By not looking so far---one can find happiness. After 32 years of existence I knew that happiness is inside us--never outside us. It cannot come from outside sources--relying happiness from the outside world can just give us transitory pleasures but surely--these will lead to disappointments in the end.

Being happy and getting the happiness we deserve is our birthright! It exist within us--infinite, powerful and always available. Finding little pleasures and happiness in what we do is the key element. BY just thinking that you can be happy anytime, anywhere and not costing you anything to make things happen--that should console all of us. Believe that happiness is a choice! The more you open yourself to that belief, the more it will come continously. Allow me to share 5 simple life lessons to help you find the happiness within:
- Dont be afraid to COMMUNICATE.... open communication lines with the significant people in your life, be it your partner, your classmate, trusted adults, etc.. Ignite your innate soft skills by injecting fun and clean humor, cool conversations and light moments. Happiness is infectious and be the virus-carrier! LAUGH as often as you can! This will exercise your heart muscle, increase your immune system and will give you the much needed "feel good" hormones!
- Find a constructive hobby that will absorb all the pressing problems in your current life. Something that will completely absorb you to overcome the meager problems around you.
- Always find satisfaction from the available opportunities in your life! Many of life's frustrations comes from overly high expectations which are not met simply because they were not achievable!
- Be your own bestfriend! spend sometime for yourself--appraise yourself often--take time to enjoy doing what you love!
- Face problems with sporting spirit! Dont be afraid of the little problems--they are spices of life!
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