I had a blast weekend last week! believe me--it was awesome! The day before I went to Holy Child Educational Center (an exclusive school in Iriga City), I remembered being so excited to be working directly with kids again--to my surprise though--(i'm sure--mitch (my IT staff @ the center) was surprised too!)-i discovered that the kids were more excited than me! Many admitted to had 3 to 4 hours sleep--too excited to attend the work

shop! (Can you imagine the stress it created in me--at least internally!--i will be working with kids---the greatest critics of all times with amazing energy level (i'm afraid not to come up with their expectations!). Believe me--giving workshops to kids is much more difficult than working with adults. You see, with kids, no matter how good you are at the technical skills of information delivery--you will not doing the best possible job until you regain their joy and passion for learning! Tapping the passion, enthusiasm and joy that children and I were born to share is the greatest challenge!

Anyway, the two days workshop went very well and that experience reminded me again not to underestimate the life lessons kids can teach us everyday---certainly we ‘miss’ out on some things as we make the transition to adulthood but by looking at how children see the world, we can certainly learn (or relearn) some things to introduce in our own lives…
That its okay to be yourself! Its okay to laugh out loud--or--cry buckets of tears.....that its okay to show your real and genuine emotions!
For a child, everything is unfolding in real time before his eyes...
For children, everything - even the most ordinary objects - has to be investigated, touched, and experienced. How I wish I can be like that again--the time and sense to smell the flowers, to appreciate the beauty of the rocks I always pass by every morning, affectionately touch the people I meet daily--etc...
That when a child loves, his love is unconditional, and when he smiles at you ca

n feel it beaming from him like the rays of a sunbeam--I remember meeting Juled who reintriduced me to the real concept of family! He taught me how to value family relationships once more (by reminding me of our affinity--being cousins--inviting me to their house, asking me to meet his "lolo", etc..)
Now that I'm back in my comfort zone--acting out my "adulthood" again--I cant help but feel rejuvenated (inside and out) after meeting the kids of HCEC! More than the accomplishment I got (after giving what the kids described to me as "the best Workshop!")--its the re-creating effect I got from the kids that matters to me most. Thank you HCEC kids!