If there would be one person who can anticipate all my needs, read my deep-seated emotions and interpret my experiences meaningfully, it would be my mother. Call it mental telepathy--but my mom is a true mind and heart reader! Her concern for me and my siblings is something so wonderful and pressingly lasting. My gratitude for my mom, for her gentle presence is something I will not let loose. In moments of despair and loneliness, mama lyd's smile always calm us, always reassuring us that everything will fall into places. Mama Lyd spells out all the qualities a loving and nurturing mother could be. Today she reassured us that despite of the impending danger (typhoon), we will all be okay. Her virtues and capacity to love unconditionally are her investments. How blessed I am to have been born to such a wonderful mother. Her strength and wisdom guides me, her zest for life inspires me, her kindness and grace warms me. I can only wish to have the light that she gives for my siblings and the people she served-for she touches all around her with a kindred grace. I cant help but be truly grateful to God for giving me this wonderful woman--our gentle shield, comfort and friend.