Like many Filipinos--most of the time--I become frustrated with the political system of our country. Like many, I can't control myself from talking against the government--criticize the TRAPOS (traditional Politicians) and just be apathetic! But you see, when Prof. Randy David declared his intention to run for congressman agaisnt PGMA-- I was slapped! slapped out of my complacency! Randy David's courage hit me real bad! Philippines need more good intentioned people to take up the challenge to go against the trapos dominating the phil government. I felt that like David, we need to just stop complaining and do something about our frustration (at least positively displace these negative feelings!). Writing this entry will definetly be my first step. Randy David's declaration to stand against PGMA is a new voice--a new voice for change. But Prof. David, though, won't make much of a difference if he goes at it alone. We need people to back him up---like Panlilio--David is a choice among the lesser evil. David lamented that "Hindi puedeng salita na lang tayo nang salita [We can't just keep on talking] when we know something is wrong," David said, referring to Ms Arroyo's purported plan to stay longer in power via a parliamentary system of government. We have to take note that seat in Congress can be a step to clinch the speakership and later the prime minister's post if her allies succeed to include political provisions in Charter amendments.
With Prof. David's possible running against PGMA would be a good move for the democratic process in the country because voters would have more choices---more options to choose from. David's life of honor (as a professor), integrity (as a coloumnist) and good example (as a Father and Husband) will definitely convince good natured people (and thinking men and women) like me to put him in the congress.
I hope this event in our country will awaken our sensitivity against the evil (people and system) prevaling in our political arena.
Go Professor David! Take the challenge---remember--it was the small "David" (like you) that killed GoLIath!