Like any unprepared company for a major breakthrough--my country is now battling to keep its chaotically and violence-filled election on schedule following a glitch in electronic balloting machines that were being introduced for the first time.Volunteers reported computer problems in other parts of Manila as well as Batangas province. Some machines in four Manila municipalities didn’t report votes as marked on test ballots.
Honestly, now I know obviously why many of my countrymen are against this new scheme---the election haven't started yet but the glitches are so vivid that failure of election is a BIG possibility! I'm just afraid that the billions of pesos placed by the government on this machinery would turn to ashes! I just can't stop my brain in cracking the possibility that the money which had been borrowed from the World Bank appears to have again been used to line the pockets of crooks in government and their cronies without giving the people the service that is due us. I cant wait to see how this election will become...I just hope that the Filipino people will not be robbed of our money and most probably our right to have clean and credible elections. Whatever happens after May 10, i feel strongly that we need to be very vigilant especially against those who have enriched themselves at the expense of the country so that they will be made to pay without FEAR and compromise and made an example for all to see that crime does not pay. May we all have the grace to know what to do in the next months and act on it.