2009 has just ended and another year has begun--so what's next for me? What's in-store for me this new year? I would love to think about these points from time to time... life has been so good to me in the past years (with it's little highs and lows--winning and losing at the same time!)--and I can't help but pray that this year would be extra special for me. After reviewing my life last year--it's pretty wierd to ask myself now how am I doing? where am I right now? Have I've been more of a loser or a winner? an inspiration or a whiner?
Well, honestly, truth to tell, I dont really know! Maybe this is what I get for taking life as it is--but on the contrary--I felt good for my little accomplishments last year-- I was blessed and I know I definitely need to spread the news.
Another year--another chance to life. I can feel that this year will have suprise packages for me. I know this new year will defy my expectations. I am expecting for momentous and life changing events to happen! So--goodbye to last years ;ife events (2009) and hello to what's yet to come!
For this year, I'd like to:
- get more organized
- Help others even more (in my advocacy)
- publish more books/educational materials to reach out to more people through my advocacy
- travel..and learn more
- get out of debt(!?)
- Tame the bulge (Weight!)--Fit in fitness
- Spend more time with family
- put more extra string in my spirituality
Well, my list can go on and on--but even though these resolutions could certainly be forgetten when "february" kicks in---it's still a great time to listen to whatGod might be asking me to consider.
Happy New Life to All of Us!