I am lately burning my eyebrow in the research I am doing right now--I hope to be able to look into the Bicolano Experience of Happiness! Yes, you read it right--happiness! My research is on HAPPINESS! Believe me--its been worth the burn and the hardwork!
This study (entitled: Happiness Matters! The Bicolano Paradigm of Happiness)--is actually a product of my long admiration for Positive Psychology. Positive Psychology is a new branch of human discipline that looks into the character strengths and virtues that enable individuals and communities to thrive. Like my first research (Displaced Women Disasater Survivors: Survival Qualities and Coping Strategies), this new study hopes to understand the framework of happiness that make Bicolanos resilient despite of the difficulties of life (calamities, poverty, political unrest, etc..). I invested in the discipline of happiness because again and again, happiness has been the most valuable and sought after in all human quests. In many humanistic researches, it appeared to be the central concern of most of psychological, philosophical and theological thinking. Happiness seemed to be an important topic to look into in the midst of chaos and crisis (in all dimesnions of life!).
I am now awaiting for the data gathered by my team of research assistants for the final write up of the project. I have quietly invested (financially and emotionally) in this project because I am a strong advocate of holistic wellness and i personally believe that happiness encompassess all dimensions of wellness. I will publish the result of this study here so that everybody can somehow access this beauitful research.
"What Everyone wants from life is continous and genuine happiness"-Baruch Spinoza