No one can deny the supreme sacrifice and care parents renders to their children. After the birth of each child , parents looks after him/her and brings him/her up with enormous love and tender affection. I cannot deny that my parents brought me and my siblings in that kind of condition. No wonder--all of us grew up to be good children (in my own standards of course!), God-fearing ( at least no one among us committed crime against person or property!--yet!) and family-loving persons (special mention are my sisters who have a family of their own!).
My father is special. He is always there whenever we need him. He provides everything that we need (he is a good provider, capable, willing to labor hard to provide shelter for his family!). His presence in our life is one of the reason why I cannot stop being grateful to God for giving me a special guardian--my FAther! For me, everyday is a day to celebrate the goodness of his fatherhood! I strongly believe that my father should not judged by how much he earned or how many material goods he can provide or have provided. What does matter is how he introduced, educated, and guided his children to what is good and morally right. My father clearly achieved that!When I look back on my relationship with my father, I have numerous memories of playing, enjoying and looking at life seriously with him. My father gave me a wonderful opportunity to learn how to encourage, to warn, to teach, to counsel, and to model Christian life without insecurity, selfishness or pride. Truly, he is a blessing!
The passionate love, the natural grace and the influence of my mother to me and my siblings are unconditionally rewarding beyond all virtues. Like Mama Mary, Mama Lyd showed us how it is to be perfectly submissive to God and that His (GOd) perfect will should be concretize in all our actions. For 31 years, my mother patiently showed all the motherly virtues: compassion for children (Isaiah 49:15), comfort of children (Isaiah 66:13) and sorrow for children (Jeremiah 31:15, Matthew 2:18). She is happy when her children are happy, sad when her children are in sorow and always ready to sacrifice when needed. Mama Lyd is like a beautiful flower that is ever-blossoming irregardless of season. She offers all the hope of a rainbow that follows a spring shower and does not fail to put a ray of smile into the troubled heart of her child, thus mending all its woes and keeping it warm.
Though we are duty-bound to honour our parents, many times we fail so miserably even to spare quality time with them... I know I am guilty of that too! As I go on with my fragile life--I know that I will forever be grateful for the love my mother and father shared with me and my siblings. They were perfectly sent to us by God. They will forever remain as our pillars of strength...our angels on earth!