The Bachelor Reality TV has proven once again that love made out of media coverage can be cold. The finale of the Bachelor proved to be the most historic finale ever! Single dad, Seattle account executive and all-around nice man-"Bachelor"
Jason Mesnick took breaking hearts to a whole new level! First he chose
Melissa over
Molly in the final rose ceremony and proposed to her on national television. Then ten minutes later, he told Melissa that he didn't love her — because he still has feelings for Molly. Again, ON NATIONAL TELEVISION!! Jason shocked his putative fiancĂ©e when he told her that, well, he just wasn't that into her! What the heck!
I would like to share this article because I always believe that LOVE is a gift that two people should share in time--molded by circumstances and life happenings! Truly--media-hyped love story does not endure! No wonder why hollywood couples would get on eachother's arms one day and after few days (or months)--they will claim that they are not into them anymore!
So, why do you think there are people who would jump into relationship as if there is no tomorrow and then breaks it as soon as they feel that they are not into it anymore? Sudden break ups are a mess! So before hooking up with someone--i think we have to learn from the bachelor reality show! lets take note of the following:

Dr. Susan Barnett, assistant professor of psychology, said it's important for would-be couples to realize their sense of identity before they get caught up into a relationship. There are many things that should be considered when you want to enter into a relationship. Differences, attitudes and your way of life matters. Actually not all people who get involved in a relationship are physically and emotionally ready.
1. Do you have the ability to have faith in yourself and in your partner? TRUST is an essential ingredient in a lasting relationship. As long as both of you maintains trust for each other, problems will always be easier to manage or deal with.
2. Do you have the ability to express yourself freely especially with the person? In a relationship it is very important that you know how to tell your partner your desires, your needs, your problems and your life plans. You also need to have the ability to make your own decisions as well.
3. The ability to remain stable without the need for someone: This is because not all relationships last forever. You should not cling to everything that your partner is providing you. You should have know-how in certain things especially the one you already have. Your talents. Pay attention to it and enrich. Being able to stand up alone is good especially if you think you and your partner needs to end up the relationship, whether it's because you can not tolerate his attitudes anymore or you lost your feelings with each other.
4. The ability to stand up for your individuality: Standing up for what you believe and being able to express who you really are. Do not let your partner change that. You are who you are especially if you know that there's nothing wrong with your personality.
Loving is a good feeling--so long as you're sharing it with the right person......happy loving!