Do you want to know what went wrong with that man? He is poisoned! Well, I'm not talk
ing about the poison or that substance you can just smell, see, taste or touch---I know we are intelligent enough not to ingest even a drop of those fatal chemical substances...but do you know that the most lethal of all these poisons is none other than the insidious disease known as ‘negativitism’! Repeatedly, many people are continously poisoning their minds with negativity and though we cannot see this negativity, it is just as fatal. This kind of poison mutilates, cripples, and corrodes the human spirit and we need to stop it before it contaminates our lives.

How does negativity start? this poison starts with negative thoughts--the dark clouds brooding over our thoughts obscure our vision of our dreams and soon creates a little monster in us--making us more confrontational, apathetic, and cynical. Negative thinking cripples our life to one degree or another. It robs us of the opportunity to live up to our full potential and of achieving our greatest desires. Negative thoughts is a self-defeating warrior. Everything bad/negative we
say about ourselves in our self-talks is always a self-suggestion. We are unwittingly and unconsciously practicing self-hypnosis, programing ourselves for failure, and creating self-fulfilling prophecies. Unconsciously---negative thoughts are slowly killing our dreams, our passion for life and the little happiness in our hearts.

So how do we fight this lethal poison?
If you find yourself thinking negative thoughts… …think again.
Strive to think positive, empowering and supportive thoughts. The negative world of our imagination creates a negative world that is real and pressing.
Strive to think positive, empowering and supportive thoughts. The negative world of our imagination creates a negative world that is real and pressing.
Just as you monitor your thoughts, monitor the words that you speak especially those spoken to yourself. Listen carefully to every word that is coming from your mouth and analyze if these words are swords to stop you from dreaming and from achieving genuine happiness.
Be passionate in your speech and express your enthusiasm with your words.
The energy of the words that you speak is a powerful force that is creative.
The energy of the words that you speak is a powerful force that is creative.
There is so much to be positive about! Look around you--smell the flowers and see the beauty within and outside.....