y people look for happiness outside--thinking that happiness is just around the corner--waiting for them to be found! By not looking so far---one can find happiness. After 32 years of existence I knew that happiness is inside us--never outside us. It cannot come from outside sources--relying happiness from the outside world can just give us transitory pleasures but surely--these will lead to disappointments in the end.

Being happy and getting the happiness we deserve is our birthright! It exist within us--infinite, powerful and always available. Finding little pleasures and happiness in what we do is the key element. BY just thinking that you can be happy anytime, anywhere and not costing you anything to make things happen--that should console all of us. Believe that happiness is a choice! The more you open yourself to that belief, the more it will come continously. Allow me to share 5 simple life lessons to help you find the happiness within:
- Dont be afraid to COMMUNICATE.... open communication lines with the significant people in your life, be it your partner, your classmate, trusted adults, etc.. Ignite your innate soft skills by injecting fun and clean humor, cool conversations and light moments. Happiness is infectious and be the virus-carrier! LAUGH as often as you can! This will exercise your heart muscle, increase your immune system and will give you the much needed "feel good" hormones!
- Find a constructive hobby that will absorb all the pressing problems in your current life. Something that will completely absorb you to overcome the meager problems around you.
- Always find satisfaction from the available opportunities in your life! Many of life's frustrations comes from overly high expectations which are not met simply because they were not achievable!
- Be your own bestfriend! spend sometime for yourself--appraise yourself often--take time to enjoy doing what you love!
- Face problems with sporting spirit! Dont be afraid of the little problems--they are spices of life!
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