1. That maybe people resist change because they are AFRAID-- afraid of the unknown! It's easier to cling on to the past because it is more secure and predictable. Maybe they think that--with a new scheme-- they may not achieve what they did in the past. Not seeing the big picture--they will not see the effect of the change!
Or maybe because they became too COMFORTABLE. Doing what is routinary for a long time in a predictable manner becomes their comfort zone. And going beyond the thin line of comfort and pressure might be difficult for them. "We have been doing this since time immemorial--so why change this routine?" a known battlecry! Or because change will disrupt their sense of control--familiar routines will always give them sense of control!

3. Or when new people comes in (as part of the change) people may resist his/her presence because it will shake their confidence on their support system. Will this person make my job difficult? or will this person impose new trends and strategies I am not prepared of
4. Or is it because of their unwillingness to learn? the hesitance to learn new tricks and new routines may make them resistant to change. Thinking that they already learned what they need to learn will precisely halt the process of transformation.
On a personal note, I always believe that CHANGE IS NOT THE PROBLEM--ITS THE RESISTANCE AND THE ATTITUDE OF THE PEOPLE IN THE RECEIVING END. Believing that getting what you want when you want it is a clear indication of resistance. Change don't happen overnight and I believe that realizing that change is going to happen or is happening should be the key step. In life, no one could live and work by yesterdays reality--transformation involves change!
thats really true..change is like stepping into the unknown...unknown of realms and unconsiousness,unknown of success and failures and unknown of being a winner or being a loser...it takes a huge amount of effort and bravery to leap into that so called unknown.so, to all the people who wants a transition...i salute.