Is it possible to live life fully even in times of difficulty? a question that rocks the human spirit!
Almost everyone is carrying some amount of distress (in varying degrees)--be it in our relationship with people and oneself, in the work or even in simple routinary life events. . Many find it increasingly difficult to simply survive in the world. Truly it's difficult to persevere amidst the complexities of life. Perseverance is the capacity to keep going even long after the passion for our career, work or relationships has dissipated. It is a continuous and conscious choice to not give up, no matter the circumstances.
Because of the difficulties of life, society is now inundated with self-help books, therapists, time-management workshops, massage parlors, and recovery programs (to name just the tip of the iceberg) for immediate relief. Some would even be willing to accept any interventions even if it could only give temporary relief.
In my short reflection, I thought about the theory of "going back to basic". Everyone talks about returning to a "simpler" way of life, but no one seems to even know exactly what that means, or how to attain it.
In my complicated life--i can't help but purposely live a "simplier life". I vow to re-engineer my life and just live life one baby steps at a time. In my facebook shout-out, I mentioned about living my life "now" as it is in the present. Stressing about the unknown and the future could instill fear in my heart. So what is important is the NOW..live myself in the present!
Let me share some of my little reflections on life:
1. I will try not to live in FEAR. Fear is probably the biggest reason many of us do not always live our lives fully. Especially if you are doing something new, it can be intimidating and scary. If you allow the fear to stop you from doing something you know you really want to do, you are allowing that fear to keep you from living your life fully.
2. Clean My Clutter. Getting rid of excess clutter can help free myself and thus enjoy the things that really matter. This one is not limited to the clutter in my physiocal world but even the clutter of people I had and have in my life. I learned that at the end of the day, you cannot please everyone--so might as well--focus my energy on people I care and love (vice versa).
3. Be Careful with too much RESENTMENT. Holding on to feelings of resentment toward people I feel have wronged me can distract me from living life fully. Imay feel and even be totally justified with my feelings for things others have done that hurt me. However, if I hold on to those feelings, I am only harming yourself further.
4. Avoid Being Lethargic. When I feel low in energy and unmotivated, the worst thing I can do is give into it for an extended period of time. the longer I stay inactive, the less motivated I will be. Activity energizes me--so i should invest on quality activities which will not only benefit myself but the great majority as well.
Life is a journey and I repeatedly remind myself to enjoy that journey!
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