I guess everyone in the world knew about the breathtaking situation in my country last Aug. 23, 2010. Captain Rolando Mendoza, a highly decorated former Senior Police Officer who was relieved from his post due to an extortion and robbery complaint against him took Hongkong tourists into hostage inside the Hong Thai tourist bus in front of the Quirino Grandstand, Manila. After 10 hours of hostage drama, 7 hostages and the gunman himself were killed and 18 survived, 1 civilian and an officer injured.
After 3 days, the damage has been done--we can never bring back the time.
I know many of our brothers and sisters in China felt bad (and maybe still feeling really bad) about what happened. Some are even cursing my race..I definitely understand their sentiments but in case like this, i think what we should do is to just accept what happened and learn something from it.I do not say that we should not be blaming anyone but at least lets move forward..forward to what is better. Addressing this problem and issue with insults and race war as a whole is irrelevant and out of the question.
I think it's unfair to put the whole country to complete culpability. The government and my people expressed abhorrence over the situation and how it was handled. But we have to understand that it is not every Filipino's desire to cause harm to any foreigner who comes to our country, much less to cause chaos and provoke war with our neighboring countries. But it is not right to blame the irresponsible actions of a few to the whole nation , which pertains to the Filipino people, as it would tantamount to unjust criticism and racism. last monday's incident was an isolated incident and it could have happened anywhere. If it did happened in any country, and a tourist bus containing Filipinos was also hijacked and ended up in a bloodbath, it would have also been unfair for us Filipinos to blame it all on your country, and to every hongkong or Chinese citizen we see along the way.
Filipinos are loving people and we have proven this long long way when we co-existed with Chinese people residing in this country as well as the tsinoys.Please do not hate the Filipinos and the entire country. We are your friends, and you are our friends. Hongkong now is host to several thousands of Filipino migrant workers, but you must never forget how the Philippines played host to so many Chinese immigrants, your ancestors, several years ago. I hope in time, wounds will be healed. We hope we will all move on with so much willingness to accept the fact that we should learn from what happened.
I agree! Very well said neth!