A blog follower of mine sent me a very touching email...she is currently based abroad and she asked me to help her with her lingering loneliness (especially because she is physically away from her support system and totally living her life in a foreign land). While huge number of people suffer from loneliness--very few are willing to talk about it and mostly, don't know what to do with this feeling. Believe me, loneliness is a very real feeling, other than being emotionally painful, loneliness can zap all our human energies and can turn our world upside down. I perfectly understand my reader's emotional state.
Loneliness, like any other negative emotions, can have enormous effect psychologically, spiritually and even physically on the person. The brain is so powerful that when we are lonely, our body can experience physical illnessess or even can depress immunit
y. So, the more we romanticize loneliness, the more we become sick, phsyically. Many studies also showed that lonely people are drawn to depression and other depressive-like symptoms. In other words, loneliness and depression can feed off eachother, each perpetuating eachother.

So, how can we really overcome loneliness (due to isolation or social exclusion)? Allow me give you some points to consider:
1. Seek support online. There are so many support groups online for loneliness. Although this will take extra precautionary measures since many of these support groups would just amplify your emotions. The best support groups are your friends, your work-buddies and your family!
2. Volunteer. Be it in your local church or charities. Sorrounding yourself with people whom you can emotionally socialize with will help you a lot too. Becoming a volunteer for a cause you believe in has the same effect as enrolling in a class. Furthermore, helping other people will bring greater life satisfaction, happiness and the possiblity of meeting people who might become your friends in the future.
3. Strengthen Existing relationships. Nurture your existing relationships by enhancing your connection with them. Call, email and chat with friends, family members, etc.,.
4. Sorround yourself with happy people. Don't go with people who will in-turn deplete your energy and amplify your loneliness.
5. If you cannot practice the sacrament of LAUGHTER...then...just smile often. Smiling boosts your immune system and produces happy hormones in your brain! Believe me, it's scientifically proven!
6. Go out and smell the flowers. Listen to happy music. Get a four-legged fury friend. Jog. Dance to music.
Loneliness is a form of needing companionship and support..so be sensitive to your personal needs so you can respond to them properly. Believe that a higher power is within you!
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