I've had my share of toxic bosses......true...I know everyone can very well relate to having toxic bosses! (I hope I'm not one of them!:)--- The boss who berates his/her people (putting their spirit down to the dumps), the boss who condescends to talk to individual in his/her group, but never listens to their input, or the boss that simply favors pets in the office and the boss that turns a blind eye to a hostile work environment! or how about those bosses with a "don't mess with me" attitude? These are not unknown issues for many, right? Really toxic bosses exists!
Most of the time, I cant help but imagine bosses taking short personal interaction course--
just to know how it is to really relate to their subordinates as HUMAN BEINGS---not just little machines receiving money from the company/institution. They can significantly decrease production and increase cost. One of the biggest costs of a toxic boss is personnel issues---making it difficult for people to work with their optimum ability.

While reflecting on this issue--I can't help but think how these toxic bossess make a large company an unpleasant place to work and they can kill a small company too. Dealing with such people can be emotionally and physically draining, mind you---it can zap all your energy!
Focusing on them though will make life miserable. I remember a text message I recieved from a friend after I shared my experience with a very toxic boss-- she texted me with these exact lines: "better not to mind the thing or the person that depressess you cause they will only make you weak--smile--be happy---life is too short to be WASTED on craps like them!"Concentrating on your job and not on your toxic boss can help. No matter if you enjoy what you do or not, by focusing on the tasks at hand, you are less apt to be affected by those expelling toxic energy and attempting to bring you down, including your boss...by maintaining a professional relationship that doesn't contain personal issues, the likelihood of you being exposed to toxic energy decreases. Fill your life with positive energy--laugh more--smile more--make friends even more and achieve more---these will zap your bossess' energy too! Yah--life is too short to be spent on these craps!
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