If there is one wellness guru I'd like to follow--its none other than---the wonderfully wise and deep--LEO BUSCAGLIA! Leo-- author of books such as Living, Loving and Learning and Born for Love is a renowned lecturer at theUniversity of Southern California. If you read one of his numerous and equally enriching books--you will immediately see the humor and the extraordinary warmth that come through his every insightful lines. His diverse view of life and love have captured even the coldest heart! Among his numerous insights--I cannot forget the simple quote that always drive me to love---leo said that "Love is life. And if you miss love, you miss life". What a simple but beautiful thought! His true-to life- and practical ideas are always presented in familiar and zesty fashion. Repeatedly, Leo (in his writings) always insisted that people must trust in loving passionately---and that if it is love that we give to others, we will have forever! Such insights are so powerful that it can turn one's life around! spinning its soul to its core!
To the mentor I only met in books---I salute you for touching the deepest core of my soul!
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