I know death is one reality we can readily admit to. One thing I learned from life is that we start dying the day we were born. From the time I was born, I saw the different faces of death--I lost friends, a client, a boss, a love one, a family member, a dorm mate,etc.. Death is something I have accepted and processed within but---if somebody will ask me if I am afraid to die alone? Hell yeah!!! Even if my mind tells me that I should prefer to be alone at the moment of my passing cause I know that it should be a private experience or it may sound a little bleak..we don't cross the line with a crowd no matter what the circumstances....still..I dont want to die alone!I would rather have someone around....a family member or a love one--or few friends...call me old school but i believe dying in the comfort of my home and family will be the most beautiful life experience. It will be a gentle reminder that you made connections--you loved and were loved in return.
For 33 years, I'm a survivor and I had to witness too many of my friends and relatives pass on. I was alone before and I probably will be alone again. I don't worry about something that I probably won't have any control over.
But I think the best comfort is the fact that I know that I am never alone, in life or in death, because the moment I die I will meet my saviour. The thing that would scare me is if I never did receive Christ and died without Him in my heart and life, then I would be alone.